Fight Putin Ride a Bike

Show your support for Ukraine

This is the article I never ever thought I'd be writing, and the one you never thought you'd be reading.

If like me you feel totally helpless and have spent hours scrolling through the horrendous and never ending news articles coming out of Ukraine, it can be hard to know what to do.

But we CAN make a difference.

We can start to reduce our dependency on oil, thereby reducing the value of one of Putin's main assets.

We can encourage others to do the same.

FIGHT PUTIN  RIDE A  BIKE has become popular on social media, with people attaching posters to their bikes.

To help you spread the word I've created some family cycling friendly posters you can print off and add onto your bikes, cargo bikes, bike seats, trailers etc.

Just click here and fill in your details and a PDF containing the posters will be sent direct to your mailbox.

All you need to do is print off the one most appropriate to the way you cycle with your family.


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