Knog Milkman bike lock review – look who’s come knocking!

The moment I saw the Knog Milkman bike lock, I knew this was going to be one of those brilliant finds that solves an annoying problem.

Kids come with too much stuff!

Usually when I’m cycling with my kids I have a full rucksack on my back, the contents of which will vary dramatically depending on the journey:

The school run – school bag, lunch box, water bottle and whatever the school demands we take in that day (a cake baked from fairtrade ingredients, a prize for a chocolate raffle and a seal costume are a few we’ve had this term!)

The library – up to 20 books, purse, phone, snacks

The swimming pool – towels, swimwear, floats, snacks, drinks, purse

The day trip out – changes of clothes for both boys, packed lunch for four, jackets, drinks, snacks, map, phone, purse, sun block, gloves, more snacks, more drinks, wipes, even more snacks and some form of toy shoved in at the last minute

Knog Milkman bike lock – light as a feather?

However, one thing I don’t have room for (or the strength to carry on these trips) is a large and heavy lock.

For the library and swimming pool, somehow I have to cram a lock into the rucksack, and to be honest my back is starting to suffer. I’m lucky that I can park the bike in a safe spot in clear view of the staff, but do need a lock to deter an opportunist thief.

When I’m on the school run or just on a day out I tend to head out without a lock. Occasionally I get caught out; when called into the school office or when we spot a nice tea shop we want to go into!

The Knog Milkman bike lock appears to be the solution to my problems! It’s tiny and lightweight and will easily fit into the bottom of my rucksack.  Here it is next to a normal sized pen so you can see the size of it. 

How small is the Knog Milkman bike lock?


Weighing in at only 110g (that’s the same as two Mars Bars) it’s a fraction of the weight of a normal lock.

I certainly wouldn’t rely on it to protect bikes in a high risk area, or for a long period of time, but when I just need to secure the bike quickly in our relatively safe neighbourhood to deter an opportunist thief, it’s just the ticket.

How does the Knog Milkman bike lock work?

The cable is contained within a brightly coloured plastic box that measures only 75cm by 75cm square, and 20cm deep that has been shaped and sized to fit in a back pocket.

A snazzy retractable cable is extracted from the side of the casing, wrapped around your pride and joy, and then secured into a hole on the top of the casing. Unlocking is sorted out by key, of which three are provided which is great news if you have a habit of losing them.

Be aware of:

Forgetting the key – it is possible to lock the Milkman without use of the key, so you could end up scuppered if you then realise the key is on the table at home!   Tip – If you’re a tad absent-minded, store the Milkman in the ‘locked’ position (pictured above), and if you rock up outside a cafe sans keys, you won’t be able to tie your steed up but at least you’ll avoid locking yourself out of your bike.

Retracting cable – when unlocked the cable can retract into the casing quite quickly so watch out for little faces (and eyes) interested in what you’re doing. It’s also fun to play with, so we’ve had to remind our boys that this is a piece of equipment, not a toy!  The cable is only 90cm long, which is just about long enough to fit through a wheel and round the frame, or through the frames of two bikes.

Security – this is not a heavy duty lock so I wouldn’t use it to protect high value bikes or anything in a high risk area. I don’t use it over night or for long periods of time. It’s a quick use deterrent and is better than nothing when you don’t have the space or energy to carry a proper, heavy duty lock


Where can I buy a Knog Milkman lockThis is a great lightweight lock to keep in the bottom of your bag (or bum pocket) for rides where you don’t think you’re going to need to lock the bike up, but want peace of mind just in case. It’s also ideal for those quick stops where you just want a mild deterrent from the opportunist thief. The retracting cable makes it very compact and easy to store.

The Knog Milkman can be bought at local bike shops, or online at Wiggle.   It comes in four colours (I wonder if collectively they are called Milkmen? Hmm – where’s the milky coloured one though??) with a RRP of £19.99.

The Knog Milkman was provided to Cycle Sprog  for review.

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