Adventure Zooom balance bike review

The Zooom is a sleek looking balance bike from Adventure.

With a frame constructed from 6061 aluminium, the Zooom is reasonably light within the balance bike world.

A high proportion of cheaper balance bikes are built from steel tubing, and as a result, can be very heavy for small children to manoeuvre. Bonus points for the Zooom then, although with an RRP of £110 it isn’t the cheapest balance bike on the market.

Adventure Zooom balance bike review of a lightweight alumimium balance bike for toddlers and young children

Zooom balance bike review

Inside the box, the Zooom balance bike comes with an instruction sheet which is easy to follow, requiring the handlebars to be rotated into position and the wheels attached. Components such as the wheels and grips seem good quality for the price bracket, and the paintwork has good depth to it. Talking of which the Zooom comes in a range of colours, including blue, pink, green and orange, which should give enough choice to cater for most tastes.

There is a great deal of adjustment possible with the Zooom balance bike, as it comes shipped with not one but two seatposts of differing length, allowing children with longer legs or just a tad older to climb aboard the saddle and ride in comfort.

A lot of children will use their legs not just for getting a move on, but also for when it’s time to stop. It’s debatable whether children at this age (around 3 years plus) will have the ability to operate a hand brake, but even so, the Zooom comes equipped with a v-brake at the rear wheel.

I bought an Adventure Zooom balance bike for my niece as a present for her third birthday, and within thirty seconds she was straddling the bike and within another five zooming around the house, with a HUGE grin on her face!

Now, please don’t misunderstand me here. I’m not saying the Zooom is responsible for her instant balance biking abilities – it is not. All children are different, and quite rightly will get the hang of things in their own time. In A’s case, it just so happened that she was up and running quickly.

The Zooom balance bike review – the final verdict

My niece has been riding her Zooom balance bike for 3 months now and has progressed from riding around the house to along the local cycle path.

The Zooom has proven to be a lightweight but robust balance bike, taking all of the bashes and knocks a lively three year old can throw at it.

Buy Now – The Adventure Zooom Balance Bike is available from Amazon

Buy Secondhand – You can also sometimes pick them up second hand on eBay

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Silvana Ference

What do you call a mountain bike that tells stories? A trail-tale!

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