How I started cycling with my 5 week old baby in a cargo bike

When you’re a new parent there are a lot of new things to learn, and how you get out and about with your baby is one of them. Whether you were already a keen cyclist, or you’re new to the idea but eager to get started, cycling with babies and toddlers can be a fun and rewarding thing to do.

Of the many methods of carrying kids by bike, opting for one of the best cargo bikes for families can be a real game changer for many. It offers the ability to transport your little one(s) around safely while also requiring less use of a car. This means more exercise and less pollution in your area - a win-win!

At Cycle Sprog, we’ve been helping parents get wheeling with their youngsters since 2012, and in addition to showing you how to confidently go on your first family bike ride, one of the things we love doing is sharing the experiences of other parents, as a source of inspiration.

In this guest post, mother, author and cyclist Juliet Kemp shares her experiences of how she started to use a cargo bike with her 5 week old son, Leon.

Getting started cycling with your baby in a cargo bike

It's possible to strap a stage 1 car seat into some cargo bikes, including the Christiania trike, which is the one I have direct experience of. So, if you want to, you can cycle with your baby from the moment they're out in the world.

Although I only have the one baby, I can see that this might be particularly useful if you have a toddler to transport along with your newborn - there should just about be room in there for the car seat on the floor and one child on the box seat.

Photo of Christiania cargo bike with front facing baby child car seat
Cycling with a young baby in cargo bike at 5 weeks old

The basics of using a cargo bike to transport a baby are straightforward: you just need a seatbelt in a suitable position to strap in your car seat.

Updated info in Dec 2023: Most box bikes now come with special mounting brackets for car seats, so you can just easily click them in without having to add an additional seat belt.

For my Christiania, this meant getting an extra belt fitted in the base of the cargo box. I'd also recommend trying out the arrangement with a few test rides (perhaps with a big bag of rice in the car seat) before you take off with your brand new baby in there.

For my son Leon, that monumental first ride (about a 2-mile round trip) was at 5 weeks, and he was remarkably unfazed by the whole process. The car seat is fitted parent-facing, so we can chat and sing away to him as we ride, which is lovely. This does work better when the rain hood isn't up, but L isn't that keen on the rain hood anyway unless it's tipping it down.

Using a cargo bike with a baby: some hints and tips

If you're tempted by the idea of getting a cargo bike for your baby, here's a few tips from my experience:

  • Ideally you want a flat-based car-seat, or one with some kind of base it can clip into. Ours rocked a bit, and we used some polystyrene blocks to keep it secure.
  • You'll become much more aware of bumps on the road. Be prepared to take it very slowly in general, but especially over bumps.
  • Don't expect to go too far all at once. The furthest from home we've managed is 4 miles, and that needed a couple of roadside stops.
  • Babies of course vary, but newborns are often quite easy to alarm. We definitely found that we had to be prepared to stop for a cuddle or a quick feed by the side of the road. (Easier on a bike than if you have a crying baby in a car!) He also fell asleep in it more than once, though.
  • It gets quite warm under the rain hood. We put ours up (even on cold days) only if it's properly raining. But Leon runs quite warm himself and dislikes being over-hot; again, your baby may vary.
  • A muslin tied over the seat makes a good sunshade if needed.
  • I doubt you could fit a newborn-friendly pushchair in a trike, at least not together with the car seat; we use a baby carrier (usually a wrap or ring sling) instead, which is easy to whip out at the end of a journey.
Close up photo of Christiania cargo bike for carrying small baby and children

I was a little dubious initially about whether the cargo bike would be worthwhile, but there's no question that it has been. It's been great to be able to get that little bit further afield, to places which would be a very long walk or inconvenient by public transport.

It means that I haven't gone from riding all the time (I cycled right up to the week Leon was born) to riding not at all, which for a long-term cyclist was a scary thought, especially since getting some exercise is really good for my state of mind as a new mum. Plus the trike is great fun to ride - if not exactly a speed machine.

The big downside of a cargo bike is the expense. But they're useful for much longer than just those first 6 months of your baby's life (especially if you plan to have more than one child), and for more than just carrying small people. Just the other week I took 20 ft of recycled scaffolding board across London in ours. (The baby was not on the bike at the time!)

Read more: How much does an electric family cargo bike cost?

If you think that you might want a cargo bike to transport your baby as they get bigger (which we did), it's well worth going for it right at the start, and getting that extra cycling time with your baby.

Read more: What type of cargo bike is best for my family?

And as of 7.5 months, we've just moved Leon up to the box seat and a little Y-belt, and the next stage of the cargo bike's journey begins.

Big thanks to Juliet for sharing her experiences of carrying her baby in a cargo bike. If you've done similar we'd love to hear from you - what worked well, and what didn't?  Do drop a comment into the box below. 

Photo of boy in Christiania cargo bike

New online course: "Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers"

These early years are so precious - don't miss out on cycling with your little one!

Our new online course is a great way to quickly learn about all the different equipment available to cycle with babies and toddlers, plus the pros and cons of each, so you can decide what suits your family and get out riding ASAP.

Sign up now for our Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers course and start making memories this summer.



Thank you, this is really helpful! Who did you / would you go to for the fitting of an appropriate belt for a newborn car seat? I asked in two bike stores and they said that they cannot do it. Thank you!


Hi Natascha – thanks for getting in touch, and glad you found our article helpful. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer either, but it might be worth asking the question in the Family Cycling UK Facebook group, as someone else may have done this. Karen

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