Sprog blog: My train and bike ride to Todmorden and back, by Emma aged 8

Hello! My name is Emma, I am 8 years old, this is my story of me and my Mum going to Todmorden on a train and cycling back.

First we rode to Hebden Bridge station, which is 1 mile and that one mile took us ten minutes to get there.

When we got there and no one was on ticket duty so we got on the train for free. Before we got on the train we had to carry our bikes down some steps and then push the bikes up a slope, because we had to go on to the platform on the other side.

Emma bike and train on a bike ride to Todmorden


When we got off the train we needed to find the canal to take us back home. A man told us to go one way,  another told us to go that way then a lady told us another way to the canal and she was correct.

We finely got under way, after about five minutes  we got off our bikes. I kept bike guard of the bikes while Mum went in to Lidl to buy some bits for our camping trip tomorrow and Mum bought me a doughnut for being good at bike watching.

We set off again and we did not stop until we watched two barges  in a lock together and then we set off when the whole process  had finished, it really was quite exiting.

Then after riding for 30 minutes,  Mum popped in to a recycled  bike shop to look at some bikes for her.

After that we rode on for 3 minutes and stopped off at the park for a little play then all we had left to do  was to cycle home which was 1 mile .

Then before we  knew it I was back home knowing I’d just cycled 9 miles and I was so happy. Here I am now typing  a report of  a wonderful bike ride.


AGE: 8


alex bergus

Nicely written report. Thank You

Laura Cartwright

Well done Emma. Great read! Keep up the good work…cycling and blogging 🙂

Becky Moore

My beautiful and talented cousin … 9 miles, wow! Well done Emma and your very first blog is fantastic!
So proud of you and I can’t wait to read all about your next cycling trip!xx

Naomi Thomas

Very well written and very interesting! Well done Emma and of course Mum! Defo another writer in the family! 🙂 Love the picture xxxx

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