How much fun would it be to cycle round school???

We all know that more kids should cycle to school, but what about having more kids cycling AT school???? How much fun would school be if you could ride around on your bike all day, instead of sitting at a desk.  What about if you didn’t need to use text books for reading, but could build bike ramps out of them instead??  What if you could track stand on your bike whilst playing instruments during music lesson?  No walking carefully and quietly down staircases between lessons if you could showcase your mountain biking descending techniques instead!

Some of the pupils at Ditcham Park School have created a great video that takes in the best bits of their school, all on two wheels…..  Move over Danny MacAskill!!!

What I found really interesting too was the follow up “Behind the Scenes” video, which shows just how much time, effort and skill went into making the 5 minute film. There were only two boys on mountain bikes, but a large crew working behind the scenes on the day.

Almost makes me want to go back to school!!

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