The tables (and wheels) have turned

One of the great things about the summer holidays is that you don’t have to follow the usual routines of school run, after school clubs and weekend classes.  The bad thing for me has been that I’ve not been getting the exercise I usually get by cycling the boys to these activities.  

Coupled with 4 weeks on the sofa glued to London 2012 and I have to confess to being slightly (or should that read significantly?) below my normal levels of fitness.

To make matters worse, I’ve been working away a lot, so Chris has been doing all the cycling since the school term began.  It was great this morning therefore to get back in the saddle to take N on the tagalong up to his Saturday morning Under 7’s football practice.

Thinking back over the previous 12 months of Tagalog use, it’s always been me pedalling like mad, urging him to put some effort in.  Going up the hill I’ve been known to sound like a gym instructor trying to get him to take his share of the effort.

That, however, was before London 2012. I’ve written various articles about the effect the Olympics and Paralympics have had on my children, but wasn’t prepared for what happened next!

This morning as we got on the bike he asked if we were late (he knows the standard answer by now).  “Don’t worry Mummy – we’re going for a World Record so we’ll get there on time!”.

I was informed I was in the triathlon – “Imagine you’re just coming out the water mummy and everyone else is trying to catch you up”.  Bending the rules of both Physics and sport slightly he was doing a Time Trial behind me.

At the point I usually have to start asking for some more effort he shouted “Pedal faster Mummy, they’re catching you”.  Halfway up the hill when I felt his cadence start to reduce I only had to ask if we were still on world record pace and we were flying again.

By this point, Mummy was definitely feeling the effects of 4 weeks on the sofa being inspired by London 2012 whilst enjoying a glass of wine.

As we headed into the home straight came the final callSPRINT FINISH MUMMY!

The tables (as well as the wheels) have definitely turned this morning. I’m going to have to get myself back to a reasonable level of fitness pretty quickly if I’m going to keep my new coach happy!

Tagalong trailer bike for children and kids

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