8 important things to consider before buying a cycle trailer

A kids bike trailer is a brilliant way to transport your child (or children), especially at the moment when petrol prices are so high.

You can use them for the daily commute, local trips out and also on fun weekend and holiday adventures.

And if the kids aren’t with you a bike trailer is great to load up with shopping too!

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But once you start looking for a child’s bike trailer, you’ll notice there are so many to choose from.

How do you even decide where to start???

We’ve asked the experts at Kids Bike Trailers to tell us the six main things you need to sit down and think about before you even begin to look.

This will help guide you to the correct type of trailer, making the choice much easier.

And if you’re still not certain, you can rent a trailer for a few weeks to check!

8 important things to consider before buying a cycle trailer

Before hiring or purchasing a trailer there are 8 key questions to think about that will help you decide which trailer is right for you...


What are you using the trailer for? Will you be just cycling or do you also want to use it for strolling? Maybe you want to use it for skiing?


Do you need a trailer for one little one or two little ones!?   Do you need to carry things in it too? How heavy are your children? Trailers come in single and double versions, and have different weight limits and storage options.


How much do you want to spend?


Where are you going cycling (or running)? Will you be going off-road, on gravel or sticking to the road? This will influence whether you need suspension on the trailer.


Will you be someone who goes out when it is raining, when it's pouring or if it's snowing? Or are you just a fair-weather cyclist/jogger?

important things to consider before buying a cycle trailer


How important is premium comfort? Do you want all the bells and whistles such as reclining seats and a premium headrest? Do you want to make it the smoothest possible ride for your little one? Or are you happy with the more basic hammock-style seat?

7.  SIZE

Do you need to get the trailer down a particularly narrow alleyway or through a narrow doorway? Do you plan to fold it up and take it in a small car boot?  The dimensions may be important to you.


Do you need to be able to swap the trailer between different bikes (say one person doing drop off, one pick up?)

Additional hitches and quick release mechanisms will be important.

Do you need to use it with a very young child – an additional support insert will be needed.

Will you be using it in the dark?

Reflective trim and places to secure a bike light will be important to you.

what to know before buying a cycle trailer

If you’re not sure which trailer to buy and you’re based in the UK, we recommend the Kids Bike Trailer rental scheme – they’ll send you a trailer that you can use for a few weeks to check out whether it works for your family. You can then buy it from them, or send it back.

To go straight to our recommendations on the best kids bike trailers – new and used - click here.



Hi there, my son is 5 and has complex needs. I need a strong trailer for him as we will be too close to his school to have free taxi. Whats the best trailer i can get for my special needs 4 year old son please?


Hi Wendy – thanks for getting in touch. We have another post all about cycling with children with differing needs
This will hopefully give you an idea of the types of products available, and links to some of the organisations who manufacture and stock them. As each child’s needs are different, as is the type of cycling you’ll be doing and the location you’ll probably need to speak to them about which product suits you best.
Two helpful organisations are Wheels For All / Cycling Projects and Charlotte’s Tandems – their websites are worth a look.
Hope you find the perfect bike for your family. Karen

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