What is Q factor and why does it matter on kids bikes?
If you’ve spent much time looking at quality children’s bikes you may have come across the term Q-Factor. It sounds like a technical term but Q-factor is actually a relatively simple yet important concern, especially in children’s cycling where its effects are proportionately larger. What is Q-factor? The term Q-factor was first coined by Grant…

Cycling with older kids who have a disability or special needs
There are lots of options for children who don’t use a two wheeled bike. From balance bikes to adapted trikes, we take a look at what’s available

How to cycle safely near an HGV – teach your kids now!
Would you or your kids know what to do if you had to cycle close to an HGV?

How to take kids and bikes on a plane
It’s difficult, but it can be done! Mum of two Kathryn explains how she’s managed 2 kids, 4 bikes and a trailer

8 tips for starting to use bike rollers
Our 12 year old Cycle Sprog has been learning to ride on rollers – here’s his top tips for getting started

How to get balance bike lessons at your school
Ever wondered how to get balance bike lessons at your school?