Wingardium Leviosa!
For almost a year the Cycle Sprog household has been in the grip of magical forces. N started to read the Harry Potter books last summer, aged 9. He disappeared into his room, and hardly ventured out until the final book was finished. I was allowed to read the last book to him, which was a…
Why I’ve given up on football
I’ve realised that I’d rather to watch the cycling than the football with my children. Here’s why……
Imagine if family cycling was part of the EU referendum debate
Imagine a world where the cost of family cycling holidays was part of the Brexit argument
Would you pay £800 on a bike for a 4 year old?
Would you spend £800 on a bike for a 4 year old? Or £1,600 on a bike for a 10 year old? What has the reaction been like to the new Islabikes Pro Series?
Meeting and making friends at WACC2016
This week I took the plunge and attended my first ever cycling conference. I decided to attend the Women and Cycling Conference (WACC2016) in Hereford because Cycle Sprog is all about cycling with kids, and at least half of parents are women. If we’re going to get more kids and parents cycling, we need to get…
T’s cargo bike blog
(This is only for children. ) MY BLOG OF A CARGO BIKE IN A BOY’S VIEW (7 years old) When I went to Mac Bike’s in Amsterdam to collect the cargo bike I was a little bit worried. Because it only had two wheels and the front one swung round a lot very easily. But when…