Jess’s Sprog Blog – learning to bunny hop at a skills session

Hi, my name is Jess and I’m 7 years old.

7 year old Jess practising her cycling skills

On Monday my Dad took me and my sister Daisy to a Welsh Cycling BMX skills builder session. I really enjoyed it. The session was on an outdoor track with some tarmac and some grass.

I already had a full face helmet but Daisy doesn’t, she is only 4 years old, so she borrowed one.

Jess and her sister at a kids BMX skills training session
First we rode our bikes up in a straight line and tried to do a wheely.

Next we did the limbo pole. We had to get our bottoms back and head low to go under. It was fun.

Then we learned to bunny hop over a stick. I could already lift my front wheel but this is the first time I’ve lifted my back wheel. It was hard work. I was really happy when I bunny hopped the stick.

At the end we were riding over a ramp practicing lifting the front wheel. I really enjoyed this and was lifting my wheel really high.

I’m going to do lots of biking over the school holidays because it’s my favourite thing.

From Jess.

Wow Jess – learning to bunny hop with your back wheel lifted is such an achievement. It sounds like a really fun session you went to.  Hope you and Daisy both have a great time cycling over the summer holidays – it’s our favourite thing too!   Do let us know how you get on. 

If you’d like to send in a Sprog Blog about your cycling adventures, see this post for more details.

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