Can I cycle with my baby in a sling, wrap or baby carrier?

As more parents embrace the convenience of slings, wraps and baby carriers to transport their newborns and infants, the question of whether it's legal and safe to cycle with a baby in a sling is one that comes up occasionally. 

We thought we'd write this article to give parents an overview of what you need to consider when deciding whether to cycle with your baby in a sling or carrier.

We’ll explore the legal considerations, including relevant UK Highway Code rules, examine what the sling and baby carrier industry advises, and discuss important safety concerns.

Additionally, we’ll offer practical tips and considerations for those thinking about cycling with babies and toddlers.

Whether you're curious about carrying kids by bike or want some guidance on how to confidently go on your first family bike ride, we’ve got you covered. We’ve even got a great guide to cycling while breastfeeding.

A baby in a sling smiling at the camera

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended to help parents make informed decisions about cycling with their baby in a sling, wrap, or baby carrier.

However, Cycle Sprog cannot be held responsible for any decisions made or actions taken based on this information. Parents are solely responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their children, and Cycle Sprog does not accept any liability for injuries, accidents, or harm that may result from cycling with a baby in a sling, wrap, or baby carrier.

Is it legal to cycle with my baby in a sling or wrap?

Please note this answer applies only to the United Kingdom (UK). 

It is illegal to ride a bike wearing a sling or baby carrier in places where the Road Traffic Act is in force. 

At a basic level, the Highway code rule 68 states:

You MUST NOT carry a passenger unless your cycle has been built or adapted to carry one

This is from the Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 24 Restriction of carriage of persons on bicycles, which states: 

1. Not more than one person may be carried on a road on a bicycle not propelled by mechanical power unless it is constructed or adapted for the carriage of more than one person.

2. In this section—references to a person carried on a bicycle include references to a person riding the bicycle, and

         a. “road” includes bridleway.

         b. If a person is carried on a bicycle in contravention of subsection (1) above, each of the   persons carried is guilty of an offence.

3. This may seem to imply that your baby would be guilty of an offence by being carried in a sling or baby carrier on a bike, but remember that the age of criminal responsibility is 10 years of age.

Within the Highway Code, Rule 66 advises:

You should not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain.

This is however advisory, as the word “should” and not “must” is used, and there is no associated law.

Will I be prosecuted if I cycle with my baby in a sling?

As far as we are aware, at the time of writing, no one in the UK has been prosecuted for cycling while carrying their baby in a sling, wrap, or carrier.

As a parent, you will have to make risk-based assessments all the time. For example, according to Rule 64 of the Highway Code, it’s illegal to cycle on a pavement, and yet many of us will choose to do so in situations where it feels safer. 

Technically it’s illegal, but abiding by this law can make it difficult for young children to ride their bikes in many areas of the UK, and the likelihood of being prosecuted for doing so is unpredictable.

In a similar way some parents, after weighing up the risks, might decide that using the sling is the only way they can get around, and as such that’s exactly what they’ll do. 

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you feel comfortable cycling while carrying your baby, knowing it may be against the law. If you’re comfortable with this, or if you are cycling in a place where the Highways Act does not apply (unadopted or privately owned roads - very few in the UK), then here’s some more information to help you make an informed decision.

What does the sling, wrap and baby carrier industry say?

The safety instructions provided with baby slings and carriers consistently warn against using them during sports or other physical activities.

For example, the BabyBjorn user manual clearly states that the baby carrier “is NOT suitable for use during sporting activities” (page 11).

Tula provides safety recommendations for using their carriers, emphasising the risks involved with physical activities: "Baby carriers are designed for normal, everyday use. Please avoid using carriers during sports or activities like cycling, running, or climbing” (page 2).

Additionally, Baby Carrier and sling manufacturer Boba offers more detailed guidance on their website, which includes the following advice:

High-Speed Common Sense: A baby wrap is not a safety device and it does not replace a car seat. For these reasons and about a million others, do not wear your baby in a wrap when driving or riding in a car or while riding a bike. 

Use Your Noggin:  If there’s an activity you wouldn’t do while pregnant or one that requires protective gear, don’t do it while babywearing. That means no climbing ladders, riding horses, running, skating, skiing, swimming, mowing the lawn, cleaning with harsh chemicals, skydiving, white water rafting, bungee jumping…you get the idea. 

Smart Moves: For all those times you need to bend over, lean, adjust the wrap or move in some other awkward way (parenting…are we right?), be sure to support your baby with your arms and don’t let go of your baby until your position is back to neutral. 

Protection from the Elements:  Just like when they’re out of the carrier, babies need sunscreen and appropriate clothes. Don’t let your little one get too hot in the summer (overdressing can cause heat stress) or too cold in the winter


There are many warnings is that baby slings, wraps, and carriers are not designed or tested for cycling. This contrasts with child bike seats, which are rigorously tested to meet British and European safety standards.

If you choose to cycle with your baby in a sling, wrap, or carrier, it’s important to understand that these products have not been designed or tested for this activity, meaning you are assuming full responsibility and risk.

Slingababy has a graphic to illustrate activities to avoid when wearing a baby sling:

So, is it safe to cycle with my baby in a sling or wrap?

This is the million-dollar question, and it’s one we cannot answer for you.

Each parent must determine what they consider to be a risky activity. For example, BabyBjorn advises against using their carrier “during sports or other leisure activities,” but this guidance is somewhat vague. Cycling down the road to the shops isn't typically seen as a sport or a leisure activity, yet going for a walk along a footpath on a Sunday afternoon is considered leisure, and some even consider playing chess a sport.

The advice from Boba and Action Baby Carriers, which suggests avoiding activities that require specialist safety equipment—like climbing, cycling, or horse-riding—makes sense if you're doing something like mountain biking or BMX. However, does cycling along a protected cycleway require specialist safety equipment? It’s worth noting that there is no legal obligation to wear a cycle helmet in the UK.

Ultimately, each of us has our own perception of risk, and we all make countless decisions each day about how we parent. What feels right for one person may not be the right choice for someone else.

Below, we’ve listed a few things to consider to help you decide whether cycling with a sling or baby carrier is suitable for you and your family.

Questions to answer before deciding on whether to cycle with your baby in a sling or carrier

The following may help you come to a decision:

What riding position are you adopting on your bike, and does that affect the safety of your child?

There is a significant difference between the upright posture of a city bike and the more hunched-over position required on a road bike. The distance between your baby and the handlebars is an important consideration, as is how easily you can mount and dismount the bike with your baby attached.

A step-through bike, like those commonly used in the Netherlands, is likely to be easier to manage than a bike with a crossbar. It’s crucial to always, always, always ensure your baby’s airway is unobstructed and that they can breathe freely. This means your body must remain upright while cycling or engaging in any other activity, which is also why you should never sleep with your baby in a sling or carrier.

Always follow the TICKS rule whenever you are using a sling or baby carrier.

There is a lot more useful information on the NCT website about the safe wearing of a baby sling.


The TICKS rule for safe babywearing - a graphic outlining the rule

How confident a cyclist are you?

If you’ve been cycling for years, and perhaps kept cycling during pregnancy, then this may make a difference to your decision and confidence.

If you’re a beginner cyclist, then we’d strongly advise against riding with your baby without further practice.

New online course: "Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers"

These early years are so precious - don't miss out on cycling with your little one!

Our new online course is a great way to quickly learn about all the different equipment available to cycle with babies and toddlers, plus the pros and cons of each, so you can decide what suits your family and get out riding ASAP.

Sign up now for our Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers course and start making memories this summer.

Do you care what other people think?

In our increasingly risk averse society, you can expect stares and comments if you do something that is perceived to put your baby at risk (and cycling with a baby is considered risky, even by hardened cyclists).

You can either bow to the pressure or ignore it, but as a cycling parent, you’ll need to get used to it. 

Is there an alternative to cycling with a carrier or a sling?

While we don’t recommend cycling with a baby in a sling or carrier, we do know that a sling or wrap can be really useful when you reach your destination, as it’s a lightweight and easy way to carry your baby around once you’re on foot. So don’t let any of this put you off using a sling or carrier for times when you’re not cycling.

When it comes to carrying newborns and very tiny babies around by bike, there are much  better options that are designed to keep your baby safe. 

Our guide to cycling with babies and toddlers covers all bases and is a great place to start.

Many cargo bikes and trailers can be used from an early stage (with the appropriate support for the baby). Take a look at our guides to the best cargo bikes for families, and the best kids’ bike trailers to see which ones might be suitable.

Once your baby can hold their head up (usually around 9 months old), they can comfortably ride in child bike seats. We’ve got comprehensive guides to the best front bike seats for toddlers and young children, and best rear bike seats for toddlers and small children to help you sift through the options.

If you're in a hurry to get out riding with your little one check out our masterclass on cycling gear for babies and toddlers, as we'll walk you through all the options available and what's the best option for your family.

Where are you riding your bike?

Where you live and what cycling you are doing could well affect your decision. Are you battling rush hour traffic, riding single track black runs or riding a road bike over cobbles?

You will possibly come to a different decision than someone who is riding a step through bike on a flat protected cycle path or a gentle traffic-free country route.

Have you considered the risks to your child?

No doubt you’ve already considered the risks, or you wouldn’t have made it this far into the article. While there’s no need to delve into graphic details, it’s important to think about the following:

  • Injury to your baby if you fall on top of them
  • Damage to your baby’s unsupported neck or spine due to excessive shaking when cycling over uneven surfaces
  • Injury if the sling or carrier is not fastened correctly
  • Lack of protection in case of impact

Some parents have asked whether cycling with a baby in a sling or carrier could lead to Abusive Head Trauma (AHT), which was formerly referred to as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). AHT is a form of violent child abuse caused by forceful shaking or impact, and it is important to note that everyday activities like cycling do not pose this kind of risk when performed carefully.

That said, when cycling, it is crucial to ensure that your baby’s head and neck are adequately supported, especially over uneven surfaces. Proper support will help prevent any strain on their developing spine or discomfort from sudden movements. For more information on head and neck support for infants,  you may find this article on shaken baby syndrome and chiropractic care helpful.

What is your attitude to risk?

This is probably the most important question of the whole lot.

Some parents will never even contemplate cycling with their children, whatever age they are, and others will leap on a bike and ride with them from birth without a second thought.

Others (probably you if you’ve made it this far), will weigh up the pros and cons and do what feels right for them and their families.

Two comments we found from parents whilst researching this article sum up both sides of the debate perfectly:

“To even consider strapping the baby to you (at any age) while cycling is insane even if you are not off roading. Do you really need a few possible scenarios spelling out?”

“Moving from a to b should be as comfortable as it can be so you reach your destination comfortably. You can protect your child on a bike to some extent, but it’s no different than if you were in a 4×4 that comes off second to a truck in a collision at 70mph, it’s much down to luck how badly you are injured or if you survived. The daily quality of life and interactive nature of riding with your child is way better than them sitting behind you in a car too. Safety is always relative.”We hope that this article has helped you to understand the legality (or otherwise) of cycling whilst carrying a baby in a sling, wrap, or baby carrier, and provided some pointers for you to consider in terms of your decision making.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended to help parents make informed decisions about cycling with their baby in a sling, wrap, or baby carrier. However, Cycle Sprog cannot be held responsible for any decisions made or actions taken based on this information. Parents are solely responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their children, and Cycle Sprog does not accept any liability for injuries, accidents, or harm that may result from cycling with a baby in a sling, wrap, or baby carrier.

New online course: "Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers"

These early years are so precious - don't miss out on cycling with your little one!

Our new online course is a great way to quickly learn about all the different equipment available to cycle with babies and toddlers, plus the pros and cons of each, so you can decide what suits your family and get out riding ASAP.

Sign up now for our Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers course and start making memories this summer.


George McNally

Thanks for the thoughtful and well-researched article. I had been contemplating carrying my three month old in the sling on the bike and might still do off road but, as you point out, here in the UK it is very clearly illegal to do so on the road. A little disappointing for me, I must admit, but at least I have a very clear answer.


Hi George, Glad you found the article useful. It won’t be long until your 3 month old is old enough to go in a bike seat or trailer, which is of course legal. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the off road riding. Karen

Mary Short

I have a Trikadoo (recent purchase ).

I have a toddler & a preschooler who sit in the back and a baby who is 3 months old.

As this is an adult trike, what would you recommend in terms of carrying the baby?

I am a baby wearer usually in a wrap or a sling.



Hi Mary – thanks for getting in touch. The same rules apply to a trike as to riding a bike – it really depends on your attitude to risk as to whether you choose to wear the baby in the sling, whether you’re in an upright position, and if there is enough room between you and the handlebars. If you’re looking for more advice, then the Family Cycling UK Facebook Group has a lot of parents who’ve carried young children and babies in a variety of ways on bikes and cargobikes. Karen


Hi,. Thank you for this amazing article.
Like in the UK, we, unfortunately, don’t have bicycle infrastructure in France either.
Although, I am planning on cycling with my 5 month daughter in a quiet area near Paris.
I would not do it in the streets of Paris 🙂 this could be dangerous.


Hi Nassim – Glad you found it helpful, and hope you enjoy riding with your daughter. It’s such a pity that France is more like the UK in terms of cycling infrastructure (we should all be aspiring to be like the Dutch!) I’m not sure what the rules are in France about riding with young children (I know that there are some new rules around the wearing of helmets that make it different to the UK). Thanks for getting in touch, Karen


Thank you for this article, it is very helpful to assess the feasibility of the idea to go cycling with my 9 month old son.


Thanks for taking the time to let me know Rob – glad it helped you come to a decision. Karen

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