How to confidently go on your first family bike ride

Starting to cycle with your child in a bike seat is an exciting milestone for any family. Whether you’re new to cycling or just new to carrying kids by bike, the idea of going on your first family bike ride can be both thrilling and a little daunting. 

With the right preparation and a bit of practice, you’ll soon be confident when cycling with babies and toddlers, ready to enjoy years of family adventures on two wheels.

Before you hit the road, it’s important to make sure you have the right equipment, and that your own bike is roadworthy. Getting some practice before strapping your child in will mean you feel more confident and safe, as well as planning a family-friendly route. 

In this guide, we’ll talk you through all of these steps, so you can confidently go on your first family bike ride together.

Choosing the right equipment

The first step is deciding how you’ll bring your kids along for the ride, whether you’re carrying them on the bike, pulling them behind you, or cycling alongside them. We’ve gone into a lot of detail on these options in our masterclass in understanding cycling gear for babies and toddlers, which can be a great resource if you’re completely new to all this.

You’ll also find some useful information in our article on how to start cycling with a small child in a bike seat, cargo bike or trailer.

We’ve also got some handy guides to the best front bike seats for toddlers and young children, the best rear bike seats for toddlers and small children, the best kids’ bike trailers, and the best cargo bikes for families.

Whatever type of equipment you choose, make sure it’s compatible with your bike and that it offers adequate support and safety features for your child. If applicable, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and double-check that everything is securely fastened before you set off, and if you're not sure, ask your local bike shop for some support.

first family bike ride: A mother riding a mountain bike with her young daughter seated upfront and smiling

Getting your bike ready

Your bike also needs to be in good condition and roadworthy. Before your first ride, give your bike a thorough once-over. Check the brakes, tyres, and chain to ensure everything is working properly. If you’re unsure about anything, it’s a good idea to take your bike to a local bike shop for a quick service.

It’s also important to make sure your bike is comfortable for you to ride, especially when you’re carrying extra weight. Adjust your saddle height and refine the angle of your handlebars so you’re comfortable.

If you experience any saddle soreness, consider upgrading or changing the shape and size of the saddle you use. Many hybrids come with “unisex” saddles that often aren’t comfortable for a lot of people. There are lots of saddle options out there, so the best thing to do is measure your sit bones and try a few to see which you prefer.

Practise before you go

If you’re feeling a bit nervous, it’s perfectly okay! Many parents feel apprehensive about cycling with their child for the first time. 

The key is to build your confidence gradually. Start by practising with the bike seat or trailer installed, but without your child in it, to get a feel for how it affects the balance of the bike. Once you’re comfortable, try riding around a quiet area, such as a park or empty car park, with something like a bag of vegetables, to emulate the added weight of your child - just like mum Elli here has done!

Practise stopping and starting, turning corners, and going up and down gentle slopes. This will help you get comfortable with the changes in balance and handling that come with carrying a child on your bike. It might feel a bit wobbly at first, but with practice, it will become second nature.

Once you’re feeling ready, do it all again, this time with your precious cargo on board.

first family bike ride: A mum wheeling her bike in from the street, with the front seat filled with vegetables

Planning your route

For your first ride, it’s important to choose a route that’s safe and enjoyable for both you and your child. 

If you need some inspiration, check out our guides on where to ride, as well as our family-friendly Komoot collection.

Opt for a quiet, traffic-free path, such as a cycle path or park, where you can focus on enjoying the ride without worrying about traffic. Consider the distance too: keep it short and sweet for your first outing, as your child may need time to get used to the experience.

Take regular breaks to allow your child to stretch their legs and have a snack or drink. This will make the ride more enjoyable and help them associate cycling with positive experiences.

Safety first

When cycling with kids, safety should always be your top priority. Consider investing in one of the best bike helmets for babies and toddlers, and ensure your child is securely strapped into the bike seat or trailer with the harness provided.

Dress your child appropriately for the weather. They may get colder than you if they’re sitting still, so consider layering their clothing or adding a blanket over their legs if necessary. We’ve got a whole guide to keeping warm on a bike seat, cargo bike, or in a trailer.

Always carry a small first-aid kit and some basic tools in case of emergencies.

first family bike ride: A baby in a rear bike seat, wearing a brightly coloured helmet, and smiling
first family bike ride: A parent riding a long-tailed electric cargo bike with a child on the back, both smiling at the camera

Building your confidence

The key to a successful first family bike ride is confidence. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel. By taking the time to practise, plan, and investing in the right equipment, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying many happy rides with your child.

New online course: "Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers"

These early years are so precious - don't miss out on cycling with your little one!

Our new online course is a great way to quickly learn about all the different equipment available to cycle with babies and toddlers, plus the pros and cons of each, so you can decide what suits your family and get out riding ASAP.

Sign up now for our Understanding Cycling Gear for Babies and Toddlers course and start making memories this summer.


Benjamin Shepherd

It would be sensible to show the adult wearing a cycle helmet too!

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