Kidical Mass global action weekend Sept 2022

On the weekend of 24 & 25 September 2022, the second Kidical Mass global action weekend of this year took place, initiated by the German organisation Kinder Aufs Rad (translated: children on bikes).

They certainly know how it's done, because in Cologne alone there were 2,000 people cycling on Sunday.

Kidical Mass is growing in the UK

The Kidical Mass movement in the UK is expanding, and this weekend we counted rides in 15 towns, from Dundee to Portsmouth and Exeter to Norwich.

1,300 people of all ages and abilities joined slow-paced group rides across the UK to call for safer streets.

Routes varied, with some taking in main roads through city centres, while others used traffic-free routes.

Children from as young as three years old were able to practise their riding skills and gain confidence.

A wide range of wheels was represented; from unicycles to trikes, and from balance bikes and scooters to cargo bikes.

A special shout out to those of you who held their first Kidical Mass ever; Barry, Bournemouth, Dundee and Portsmouth. Barry Kidical Mass was also the first Kidical Mass in Wales!

Kidical Mass Exeter even appeared on TV! ITV News West Country visited their ride and they made it on to the evening news.

Well done to all organisers for putting cycling for all on the map!

Kidical Mass organisers in Edinburgh and Norwich had to think on their feet as the roads were so congested they needed to swiftly come up with a new route for their groups.

Well done to everyone who took part!!

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