Family cycling library recovering from theft of equipment

We all know there are nice people and nasty people out there. One of the nicest people is Ruth-Anna McQueen. Ruth-Anna is a mum of three, who also happens to be a junior doctor and a prolific campaigner for family cycling and safer cycling for all.  She also finds time to run the Family Cycling Facebook group, inspires others to cycle with their kids on social media and has been a long time supporter of what we’re doing here at Cycle Sprog.

One of Ruth-Anna’s latest ventures is Hackney Family Cycling, which runs a family cycling library loaning out family cycling equipment such as bikes, bike seats, trailers and tagalongs to families to try out before they take the jump and spend their own money. They also run regular family bike rides, giving Londoners the chance to try out family cycling – and they invariably get the bug!  When I first met Ruth-Anna in person last year she was working out how to get the initiative up and running and now it’s a roaring success.

The nasty people in life are the kind who break into the Hackney Family Cycling garage and steal the equipment.

Hackney family cycling library Thankfully a lot of the library’s stock was out on loan. Even better news is that following a Facebook tip off the police have managed to find some of the stolen equipment. Thankfully the theft isn’t stopping Hackney Family Cycling from running their regular bike ride and library session this weekend.

If you’re like to help Ruth-Anna take the Hackney Family Cycling scheme from strength to strength you can do so in two ways – either donate to their Go Fund Me campaign which will help them replace the stolen items and improve security measures on the garage.  Or you could give them your bike seats, trailers etc that your children have grown out of, so they can be enjoyed by other families.  Get in touch with them via their Facebook Page.


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