Family Cycling News – Summer 2021

Welcome back to another Family Cycling News! It’s finally the Summer holidays for the Cycle Sprogs and we’ve been blessed with some gorgeous weather the last few weeks which has been a mix of being perfect for getting out on family rides and just too hot to move!   We’ve also been enjoying watching the bike events from Tokyo on TV and I hope your Sprogs have been as enthusiastic as ours have!

Here’s all the latest family cycling news from us at Cycle Sprog, including an exciting competition, new activity books to keep the kids entertained, new single-wheeled bike trailers and newly released Forme bike colours!

Changes to the Highway Code

This might sound a bit dry, but it is actually be one of the most important things that is going to happen in the world of family cycling this year. 

The government have announced plans to update the Highway Code later this year to give much greater protections to cyclists and pedestrians.  

There’s going to be a new “Heirarchy of Responsibility” which means that those road users who pose greater risks to others have a higher level of responsibility. It will take a while for this to filter through to everyday behaviour, but over time will hopefully mean more responsible driving around cyclists and pedestrians (a bit like introducing penalties for drink driving, speeding and texting).

There’s also new rules around “close passing” of cyclists, plus new drivers will be taught how to open their door using the “Dutch Reach” to prevent accidents.  If you don’t know how to do this, here’s a great video from Cycling UK which explains:  

Obviously not everyone will respect the new rules, so improvements to infrastructure are also needed to provide properly safe spaces for cyclists away from busy roads, but it’s great to know that at long last something is being done to try and make those roads safer for everyone who curretly has to use. 

The Bike Club: exclusive new colours of Forme Bikes in-stock

The Bike Club have new colours of the Forme Bikes range; Purple, Green and Orange!

Forme Cubley

This is in addition to the original Blue, Red and Pink bike colours.

There are two models of Kinder kids bikes – the single speed Cubley, which comes in three wheel sizes (Cubley 14“, Cubley 16” and Cubley 18“) and the geared Kinder which comes in three larger sizes –  Kinder 20″, Kinder 24″ and Kinder 26″.

Prices start from £10.49 through to £13.99 per month to lease one of these bikes through The Bike Club.



Kids Guide to Track Cycling

Track Madison - Kids Guide to Track Cycling

If you’re enjoying the track cycling at the Izu Velodrome in Tokyo then check out our Kids Guide to Track Cycling – it’s a specially designed pack aimed at enthusing kids during and after the track events. Containing child friendly descriptions of all the track events, results sheets for all the races, colouring in and I-Spy’s it’ll keep them enterained for all 7 days of the velodrome activity

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Shotgun Launch ‘Shred Til Bed’ activity book

The newly released activity book by Kids Ride Shotgun follows on from last years mountain bike ABC book and features the same animals, and is designed for ages 3 years and up. This activity book pack will keep your Sprog busy when they can’t be out riding their bike; with slopestyle sticker comps, trail mazes, dot-to-dots and colouring, they’ll be in cycle heaven!

Shred til bed activity book

This activity book pack is available for pre-order from the Kids Ride Shotgun website for £18. 

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New range of single wheel kids bike trailers

A new range of single wheel kids bike trailers are now available to rent and purchase in the UK.

Kolofogo single wheel bike trailer

The Kolofogo Trayecto (£1,500 to buy or from £80 per week to rent) is a single-wheeled trailer with Rock Shox suspension, designed to carry your little one across rough terrain with control and comfort otherwise not possible with dual-wheeled trailers. It also converts into a stroller making this a very versatile option for transporting your child.

The Kolofogo Tahoe (£1,300 to buy or from £70 per week to rent) is a slightly cheaper version that doesn’t convert into stroller mode.

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New cartoon book by Dave Walker: ‘From A to B’

Dave Walker has released a new 100-full-page cartoon book that casts an eye over the delights and challenges of cycling; from every day commuting to cycling adventures, and everything in between. For beginners to seasoned cycling campaigners!

Dave Walker - Cartoon Guide to Getting Around by Bike

With topics ranging from

  • How to get started and choose a bike
  • Staying safe
  • The problem of traffic
  • Good and bad cycling infrastructure
  • How cycling can change the world

all communicated through cartoons, drawn in Dave Walkers usual style – it’s a mixture of comedy and useful information.

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Raleigh launch new range of e-cargo bikes aimed at families

The new range released by Raleigh includes two different models of electric cargo bikes: the two-wheeled Stride 2 bike and the larger three-wheeled Stride 3 trike.

Raleigh Stride E-Cargo Bike

Both Stride cycles come with a Bosch Performance CX Cargo Line motor, a premium enviolo cargo hub and shifters designed for a smooth ride. It has a total range of between 30-40 miles and the battery can be removed from the frame and recharged within 4.5 hours. It features a one-size-fits-all steel frame, hydraulic disc brakes and built-in front and rear lights.

A selection of accessories will also be available for riders, including a rain tent, box cover, bike cover, baby and toddler seats, bench cushions and Maxi cosi car seat brackets.

The new Stride 2 E-Cargo bike is available for £4,395, with the larger Stride 3 trike at £4,695.

Let’s Ride – British Cycling’s Summer of Cycling

British Cycling's summer of cycling

British Cycling are encouraging families to get out on their bikes this summer with a series of rides around the country. To find out what’s on in your local area visit the Let’s Ride local website  


Win a Frog MTB 72 bike worth £750!

This is your chance to win an MTB 72 Frog Bike worth £750 – Frog’s competition is launching Monday 2nd August 2021 on the Frog social pages, so keep an eye out! 

MTB Frog 72 competition mountain bike

The Frog MTB 72 is excellent for multi-terrain, off-road biking for 13-year-olds+ available in a stylish metallic grey and neon red pattern.

To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize, you must like and follow @Frogbikes on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag who you’d hit the trails with, in the comments. Pretty easy right!?

The competition ends on Friday 27th August 2021, so you have plenty of time to enter!


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