Families demand Safe Streets Now

This weekend saw the second national day of action to call for Safe Streets Now.

Safe Streets Now is a coalition of organisations including RoadPeace, Mums for Lungs and Action Vision Zero, as well as grassroots groups.

Actions included static actions with people raising awareness of the need for safe streets, and Kidical Mass rides.

Image of flags for Kidical Mass ride in Bristol
Kidical Mass in Bath - credit: Jamie Bellinger

Open Letter

The Safe Streets Now coalition sent out an open letter to Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer and other leaders in the fields of transport and law, demanding measures to make our streets safe for everyone who uses them.

The letter includes calls for a default 20mph speed limit in built up areas and a 10% allocation of highway spending on infrastructure for walking, wheeling and cycling

Local asks included School Streets outside every viable primary school by 2030 and safe routes to schools.

Kidical Mass

Kidical Mass groups across the country teamed up with the Safe Streets Now coalition to organise Kidical Mass rides as part of the national day of action.

18 Kidical Mass rides were organised with over 1500 people on cycles calling for safe streets - including many children.

Kidical Mass rides are fun, but there’s an important message: We need safe streets for kids and their families to cycle around their towns and cities.

Well done to everyone taking part - especially those who organised their first ever Kidical Mass ride!

Norwich Kidical Mass September 2023 Photo by Stuart Beard

Join a Kidical Mass near you

If you've never taken part in a Kidical Mass ride, we highly recommend you join one near you soon - it's great fun, and the best way to show politicians and others that we want child-friendly cities and towns.

As part of this spring's Kidical Mass global action, at least 10 more rides are taking place in the UK in April and May.

If there currently is no Kidical Mass ride where you are, why not start one?

And don't forget a bubble machine 😉

Find out more


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