
girl smiling joyfully on her orange bike

Best kids’ bikes 2024

Here’s our selection of the best kids bikes for kids of all ages

Learning to ride on a first bike

What is a balance bike?

Balance bikes are a popular way to get your toddler used to controlling a bike, without them needing to worry about using pedals

Frog 62 MTB

Hornit AIRO 12 balance bike review

Review of the Hornit AIRO 12 balance bike. This lightweight and well designed bike is put to the test by our 2 year old reviewer

islabikes rothan 12 balance bike riding

Best balance bikes 2024

Our pick of the best balance bikes to invest in your little one’s lifelong enjoyment of cycling

Kidvelo rookie 14 kids balance bike

Best 14” kids’ bikes for 3-4 year-olds

There’s an increasing choice of quality, lightweight starter bikes with a 14″ wheel – we take a look at the best

Group photo of children riding bike club bikes

How to choose the right size bike for your child’s age

Whether your child is new to cycling, or has been a confident pedaller for years, when the time comes to buy them a new bike, figuring out what size to get them can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve created this guide to show you how to choose the right size kids’ bike for…