The best family films at Kendal Mountain Festival


The best family films at Kendal Mountain Festival

We are lucky enough to have the Kendal Mountain Festival on our doorstep. Each year we look forward to taking our Cycle Sprogs to the Family Adventure Session, which showcases some of the best family-friendly films – with the added bonus that it’s all free! This year (2017) was certainly one of the best yet. There was a brilliant selection of inspirational films about all types of adventures (not just bikes!).

Here’s a pick of my favourite films from the Kendal Mountain Festival Family Adventure Session – they’re suitable for all ages, and will hopefully inspire you to get out on two wheels or two feet, and enjoy the great outdoors as a family.  They’re all saved as a playlist on the Cycle Sprog YouTube Channel, so you can find the all easily.

Where the Wild Things Play by Krystle Wright

This just beat the other films to be my favourite – a 4 minute Australian film which is a must see for girls and boys of all ages! Love the line “I want a girl with a short skirt…”

Skidsville by Scott Carlson and Mike Hopkins

A fun film from Diamonback showing the joys of cycling as you’re growing up, whilst reminding us that life is a cycle.

Skidsville from Diamondback Bicycles on Vimeo.

A Higher Crawling by Eric Becker

Voted “Best Film” from the youngest Cycle Sprog – this is SO funny and a must see for all those competitive outdoors type parents, as well as kids!

A Higher Crawling from eric becker on Vimeo.

Frames of Mind by Stu Thompson

This film was in the programme, but wasn’t shown at the Family Adventure session we attended, so we rushed home to watch it. I’d seen it the night before at the Kendal Mountain Festival Bike Night and told the Sprogs that they’d love it, and I wasn’t wrong. Matt Jones delivers a masterclass in mountain biking!

Dreamride 2 by Mike Hopkins

The second of the films from Diamondback is a must for any budding mountain bikers, showing that you can turns your dreams into reality – and how we all dream of the next trail.

Weightless by Jean-Baptiste Chandler

This was voted best film by the eldest Cycle Sprog.  A breathtaking journey in the skies, which passed over Briancon, where we spent time last half term!

 Dedicate: Diving Free

If you’re enjoying Blue Planet 2, then you’re going to love this film which shows how you can follow your dreams (and swim with the Ocras)

Denali’s Raven by Renan Ozturk and Freddie Wilkinson

Voted Chris’s favourite film (and a very close second for me), this is one for the parents, showing that you don’t need to give it all up when the kids come along  – you just need to rethink how you manage your life. Leighan Falley is truely inspirational.

Dawn to Dusk by Scott Hardesty

If you thought skateboarding was just for the park or the skate park, think again! This footage will take your breath away

A Spark in the Dark

OK, so this is the official trailer for the Kendal Mountain Festival, but with a beautiful poem by Clare Carter coupled with Lee Cragie’s mesmerising voice this is a thought provoking treat.

We’ve saved all these films as a playlist on the Cycle Sprog YouTube channel, so you can find them all again quickly. We’d love to know which was your favourite film – do let us know in the comments section below.

Kendal Mountain Festival is going to be on tour in 2018, with venues including London, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Caernarfon and Oxford. Further details of all locations and dates can be found at

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