Cube Pro Junior Bike Helmet review

Review of Cube Junior Kids cycling helmetThe Cube Pro Junior cycle helmet is part of Cube’s growing children’s  ‘Junior series’ and is available in seven different finishes. We’ve been sent the ‘Skulls’ version by Cube for our 9 year old to review. 

Out of the box

The Pro Junior looks and feels like a quality product, arriving in subtle, well presented and padded packaging with an easy to follow instruction manual.

Fit and finish

The Cube Pro Junior cycle helmet looks sharp in the flesh with bright plastics that help to accentuate the skulls design. It’s constructed from in-mold expanded polystyrene (EPS), so the inner polystyrene liner and outer shell are moulded together during construction giving edges that are smooth and well finished. On the underside, there is some exposed EPS so it is possible that over time you may see one or two dings in the polystyrene from being handled by children.

For sunny days the helmet has been designed with a small lip built in at the front that acts a a visor, rather than having a separate visor that fits into place. One less item to be snapped off or go missing!


Cube kids bike helmet review

I was pleased to see that on the rear of the Cube helmet is a light, comprising of six LED’s set in a rectangular fashion.

The light can be set to flash or remain static to alert others coming up behind to the presence of the rider. Nice and bright and a very useful safety addition.


The supplied padding is soft to the touch and thick enough to feel comfortable when wearing. An added bonus for a kids helmet is that the pads are removable and washable, which if you have children like mine, is a bonus as over time the option to refresh sweaty pads, plus the residue of all manner of things that will make their way into the recesses of the helmet (think slugs, worms and other minibeast friends they collect) is a nice touch.


Cube kids bike helmet - ventilation in the helmet design

Whilst on the sweaty head topic, the Pro Junior aims to reduce the issue by using eleven openings to aid air circulation around the head.

We’ve not really had many hot days to test vent effectiveness yet, however there have been no complaints forthcoming in the conditions its been subjected to so far and with three good sized vents at the front we’re not expecting many moans.

On the subject of front vents, there’s also mesh across the front openings to stop non-invited insects from making their way inside.


There’s no doubting that the Cube Pro Junior Cycle Helmet in the ‘Skulls’ guise is certain to catch the attention, with it’s all over skull covering. It also received very positive comments from a couple of GoSkyRide leaders when we were out on a ride in the Lake District. If skulls are not your ideal head covering, then thankfully Cube have a further six colour schemes to choose from including orange, blue, pink and a rainbow version.


The Pro Junior has side straps that can be adjusted with easy to use sliders and a positive buckle under the chin.

Cube Children's cycling helmet review

Cube kids cycling helmet







At the rear of the helmet the retention system is a rotary dial to tighten or loosen as necessary and can be operated with one hand.

A nice touch is the soft padded chin band that covers the strap and stops any rubbing.

Available sizes

The Cube Pro Junior cycle helmet comes in two sizes, ‘XS’ covering 46-51 cm and ‘S’ 51-55 cm. As always, it’s important to get a helmet that comfortably fits the prospective owners head.

A good example is that this and many other helmets we’ve tested fit N (aged 9) perfectly, whereas T who is three years younger, has a wider than average head and finds it difficult to get a helmet to sit both comfortably and securely.

Who is the Cube Pro Junior cycle helmet aimed at?

Kids that love a good quality cycle helmet and also demand one with a cool design.  It’s a do-all kind of cycle helmet, and it’s design is such that it looks good on or off road.

Where can I purchase?

The Cube Junior Pro helmet can be purchased via stockists such as Hargroves Cycles and Leisure Lakes Bikes, that are part of the Cube Dealer Network. It has a recommended retail price of £35.99.

Any downsides?

The skulls design may not appeal to everyone, but with that in mind Cube have a further six styles to investigate.

Review conclusion 

The Cube Junior Pro is a well made cycle helmet with two sizes to cover heads from 46 cm up to 55 cm. It comes in a variety of designs and features a bright led light for safety plus removable pads for washing. Fitment and comfort rate well amongst our reviewers, but as always try it out for size.

We really like it!

Cycle Sprog was provided with the Cube Pro Junior cycle helmet for review by Cube


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