The best children’s books about cycling 5: non-fiction

Does your child love cycling? If so, then they're going to really enjoy these enthralling children's books about cycling and bikes and famous cyclists.

In this post, the 5th (and for now final) in my series on the best children's books about cycling, I'm looking at non-fiction books about cycling and bikes.

This includes guides and activity books as well as information books. By the time you've read all of these books, you'll be experts on all things two-wheeled!

If you're looking for different types of kids' books about cycling and bikes, then head over to these posts:

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The best non-fiction books about cycling written for children

I've tried to list the books in roughly age/reading ability order, but most are well-illustrated so younger children can enjoy the pictures, whilst older readers can enjoy the words.

If I've missed off your favourite non-fiction children's book about cycling do please drop me a comment in the box at the bottom of the post and I'll add it to the list.

The Bicycle by Lucas Arnoldussen

Everything you could want to know about bicycles, and then some more!

This informative book is aimed at ages 4 and over, and will keep children (and adults) fascinated for hours as it covers a wide range of topics about bikes.

Answering questions such as "What did the first bike look like?"  "How many kinds of bikes are there?" "Who are the most famous racing cyclists?" and many more, your Cycle Sprog will be an expert on bikes and cycling in no time!

There's also a quiz, rhymes and a section explaining how to fix a puncture.

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Want to Know The Bicycle - a non-fiction children's book about bicycles and bikes
best non fiction books about cycling for kids

On Your Bike by Sir Chris Hoy

Who better to explain everything you need to know about bikes and cycling than one of the world's most successful Olympian's Sir Chris Hoy?

This spiral bound book is subtitled "All you need to know about cycling for kids" and is a treasure trove of information that will keep curious young minds occupied for ages.

It covers topics as wide as bike maintenance, what to wear, which type of bike you need as well as hints and tips on how to ride better. Great for KS1 and lower KS2 readers. 

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Sir Chris Hoy is also the author of the Flying Fergus range of children's fiction books, which you can read more about in our post on the Best Children's Fiction Books about Cycling and Bikes.


From Factory to Store by Anastasia Suen

For younger children interested in the process of designing, building and selling bikes, there is a new Kindle e-book version available of a now out-of-print paperback by Anastasia Suen on the subject, called From Factory to Store.

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best books about cycling non fiction

The Tour de France by Sean Callery and Geraint Thomas

While we're on the topic of icon cyclists, check out who co-wrote this book on the Tour de France, way back in 2012! They even get a chapter all to themselves:

The book is in the Collins Big Cat reading scheme, at Level 18 / Pearl - as you can see it's aimed at confident readers, probably KS2 and above.

The book is out of print, but can still be found occasionally second hand.

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non fiction cycling books for children

My Book of Bike Activities by Catherine Bruzzone

If your Cycle Sprog enjoys books where they have to draw, write and otherwise engage with the text, then they're going to love this activity book.

It's a really hands on book that encourages the reader to pick up their pencils, whilst imparting lots of fascinating knowledge about cycling and bikes.  A great choice to keep Cycle Sprog quiet on a long journey or a rainy day!

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best Childrens non fiction biking books

How to design the World's Best Bike by Paul Mason

If your Cycle Sprog is fascinated about how bikes are designed and built this book may well appeal to them. "How to design a bike" by Paul Mason is aimed at ages 9 - 11 years and encourages the reader to think in detail about all the important aspects of designing a product.

Sounds great for cyclists and inventors alike!

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best cycling books non fiction for kids

How to be a Mountain Biking Champion by James Nixon

The How To Be a Champion series looks at the exhilarating world of extreme sports and what it takes to become a top professional. Each title lists the essential equipment you need and discusses the basic skills, before going on to look at the more demanding tricks and stunts.

How to be a Mountain Biking Champion opens up the world of mountain biking, both racing and freestyle. Aimed at readers aged around 8+

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non fiction cycling books for kids

How to be a BMX Champion by James Nixon

How to be a BMX Champion takes a similar approach to the MTB book, in terms of the history, background and key features of the sport.

It also has a profile of Shanaze Reade and hints and tips on Freestyle for beginners, Flatland Tricks and getting Big Air, together with a glossary of BMX terms.

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non fiction cycling books for children to read


Fergus O’Loughlin

And for the ‘big kids’ and all their helpers – “Welcome to Pump Track Nation v2”. The Ditcham Park School MTB Club will be making use of this one!


Oooh- I can’t wait to see what you’re building this year Fergus!!! Karen

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