Children’s book review: Pedal Power by Carol Krueger

I love it when one of my boys brings home a cycling related book in their book bag.  This week it was the turn of my 6 year old to choose “Pedal Power”, by Carol Krueger.  Part of the Rigby Star Quest series of books, this is a non-fiction book that covers three aspects of cycling:  Riding for Work, Racing and Riding for Fun.

Pedal Power book review

I particularly liked the work section, because it focuses on every day cycling across the globe, including highly decorated Rickshaws, an Australian woman delivering mail by bike, and some men taking banana’s to the market by bike in Africa.

My son really liked the ice cream tricycle, the Indian school bike van (we counted 9 kids inside!) plus an Italian bike which can be ridden by 40 people (but is difficult to turn corners on!).

The “Racing” section covers triathlon, road racing and mountain biking.   In the Cycling for Fun section, the clown on a tiny bike and the unicycle proved popular.

Each section contains a “Cycle Fact” box, including details on the origin of the words unicycle, bicycle and tricycle.

Pedal Power by Carol Krueger is a good introduction to the wonderful world of cycling for newly independent KS1 readers – the text is interspersed with colourful pictures,  facts and illustrations to keep the reader interested.  

It’s a pity it’s no longer in print, but secondhand copies are available on Ebay and Amazon if your school doesn’t have a copy. 

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