The best children’s books about cycling 4: biographies

Does your child love cycling?  If so, then they're going to really enjoy these entralling children's books about famous (and not-so-famous) cyclists.  In this post, the 4th one in my series on the best children's books about cycling, I'm looking at cyclist biographies.

There's life stories of inspirational cyclists from the 1890's through to the present day.

If you're looking for different types of kids's books about cycling and bikes, then head over to these posts:

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The best biographies about cyclists written for children

I've tried to list the books in roughly age / reading ability order, but most are well illustrated so younger children can enjoy the pictures, whilst older readers can enjoy the words.

If I've missed off your favourite biography about cycling, aimed at children, do please drop me a comment in box at the bottom of the post and I'll add it to the list.

Bradley Wiggins - Dream to Win by Roy Apps

Bradley Wiggins is another national hero - the first British person to win the Tour de France - EVER! He really deserves a place in any list of cyclist biographies for kids!

This chapter book covers Wiggins life from his childhood dream of playing football for West Ham through to his historic Tour de France win and victory at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

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best Childrens biographies about cycling

Froome (Ultimate Sports Heroes) by John Murray

This is a great introduction to reading biographies for readers of about 7 and over who are able to cope with chapter books without illustrations.

There are 23 short chapters in the book, covering Chris Froome's life from a child in Kenya through to stepping up on the podium for his third Tour de France victory.

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biographies for children about biking and cycling

Major Taylor Chambers - Champion Cyclist by Lesa Cline-Ransome

Another inspirational illustrated biography about a ground breaking cyclist from the late 19th Century.

Marshall Taylor could ride his bike forward, backward, even perched on the handlebars. When, in 1891, his stunts landed him a job at the famous Indiana bike shop Hay and Willits, people were amazed that a thirteen-year-old black boy could be such an incredible cyclist.

This illustrated biography traces how Marshall Taylor - through dedication, undeniable talent, and daring speed - transformed himself into the extraordinary Major Taylor, who turned pro at the age of eighteen, went on to win the world championship title just three years later, and battled racism to become a true American hero.

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biographies about cycling for children inspiration
biography books about cycling for children

Tillie the Terrible Swede by Sue Stauffacher

This biography is a beautifully illustrated book detailing the fascinating story of the life of Tillie Anderson who arrived with her family in America in 1889 with few possessions and a dream of a better life.

She was soon caught up in the "Bicycle Craze" sweeping the world, and became determined to race, however much this was frowned upon. By 1898 she was World Champion in both the 1 hour and 4 day race categories.

This fascinating and beautifully illustrated biography follows her progress, both as a cyclist and a campaigner for equality. 

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The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero by Amalia Hoffman

Once a skinny and weak child, Gino Bartali rose to become a Tour de France champion and one of cycling's greatest stars.

But all that seemed unimportant when his country came under the grip of a brutal dictator and entered World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.

Bartali might have appeared a mere bystander to the harassment and hatred directed toward Italy's Jewish people, but secretly he accepted a role in a dangerous plan to help them.

Putting his own life at risk, Bartali used his speed and endurance on a bike to deliver documents Jewish people needed to escape harm.

The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero by Amalia Hoffman reveals how one person could make a difference against violence and prejudice during the time of the Holocaust.

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best biographies about cycling for children to read
best books for children to read about cycling

Born to Ride - A Story About Bicycle Face by Larissa Theule

I struggled to know which article to place Born to Ride - A Story About Bicycle Face by Larissa Theule.  I've decided to put it in this one about biographies, but it's a fictional historical biography, so perhaps it should have gone in the "fiction" post instead!.

The book is set in New York during 1896 at the time the women's suffrage movement was gaining momentum.

Louise Belinda Bellflower wants to ride a bike just like her brother Joe. However, he tells her "If girls ride bikes, their faces will get so scrunched up, eyes bulging from the effort of balancing, that they’ll get stuck that way FOREVER!"

Louise Belinda is appalled by this nonsense, so she strikes out to discover the truth about this so-called “bicycle face" and proving that she can do everything the boys can. It includes lots of details about the women's suffrage movement.

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