
Look at me by Roderick Hunt childrens cycling book

Sprog Blog book review: Look at me by Roderick Hunt

Here it is – Cycle Sprog’s first book review – by 4 year old T

Review of the Etc kids cycling gloves and kids cycling mitts

Etc kids cycling mitts review – short fingered kids bike gloves

The Etc kids cycling mitts are one of the cheapest children’s sized short finger cycling gloves on the market that aren’t adorned with cartoon characters. Mum of two Kathryn reviewed the Etc mitts, and tells us how they fared. Size, quality and ease of use A good fit for small hands (both my children aged…

Windscreen - ready to go

Review of the Polisport front bike seat windscreen

This windscreen shields your little one from the elements whilst they’re in a front mounted bike seat

little girl wearing a pink helmet is adjusting the saddle height on her bike

How to stop your kid getting saddle sore: a guide to kids bike saddles

Keeping comfortable on your kids bike saddle is important for your child to enjoy cycling, we outline tips and tricks to keep them happy.

two teenagers are out for a bike ride with their mum in a park

Cycling with teenagers: everything you need to know

Here at Cycle Sprog we have been writing about cycling with children since 2012, so in that time we’ve experienced the joys and challenges of cycling with teenagers. Whether your teen is a keen or reluctant cyclist, you’ll likely be facing a whole new wave of challenges, so we’re gathering here everything you need to…

Kids Ride Shotgun seat review, two very smiley twin girls in blue helmets

Cycling with babies and toddlers: everything you need to get started

Whether you’ve got a newborn on your hands and are already thinking about how soon you can start cycling together, or you’ve got a toddler who’s raring to get going on a balance bike, cycling with babies and toddlers is such a lovely thing to do.  Since there’s a lot of thought and planning that…