The best children’s books about cycling 3: characters who ride bikes
It’s great when you find a book where you can relate to what the characters are doing, especially if you’re a child. If you’re part of a family who prefer to cycle places, rather than drive, it can be quite difficult to find children’s books that reflect this lifestyle choice. I’ve been trying to find…

The best children’s books about cycling 4: biographies
Be inspired by these brilliant life stories of cyclists through the ages – all written specifically for younger readers

The best children’s books about cycling 5: non-fiction
Here’s our pick of the best non-fiction kids books about cycling and bikes

New kids books about cycling published in 2019
2019 has been a pretty good year for children’s books about cycling. There’s been new installments in popular series, plus new fiction and non-fiction books for Cycle Sprogs of all ages. Here’s our round up of the best of those new books published either in paper or electronic versions in the past 12 months. Kids…

World Book Day – the best cycling themed costumes for WBD
Creating a literary based fancy dress costume for World Book Day is now an annual ritual for most families with primary school aged children. Here at Cycle Sprog we love seeing what cycling based characters are chosen for World Book Day costumes each year. Here’s a few of our favourite outfits we’ve seen over the…

Was this the easiest World Book Day ever?
Is this the easiest World Book Day costume? Thanks to Sir Chris Hoy your child can go to school in their cycling kit!