
Learning to ride on a first bike

What is a balance bike?

Balance bikes are a popular way to get your toddler used to controlling a bike, without them needing to worry about using pedals

Read more about What is a balance bike?
Kidvelo rookie 14 kids balance bike

Best 14” kids’ bikes for 3-4 year-olds

There’s an increasing choice of quality, lightweight starter bikes with a 14″ wheel – we take a look at the best

Read more about Best 14” kids’ bikes for 3-4 year-olds
Best 16" kids' bikes: A girl standing over her 16 inch woom Automagic bike, in front of a brick wall

Best 16″ kids’ bikes for 4-5 year olds

Getting a first bike is such a huge milestone – we take a look a the best 16″ wheel bikes for ages 4 to 6 year olds to get pedalling on

Read more about Best 16″ kids’ bikes for 4-5 year olds

Cheapest kids’ bikes 2024

You don’t need to break the bank to get a decent kids bike – here’s our pick of the best

Read more about Cheapest kids’ bikes 2024
MTB bike wheel 24 inch with orange centre disc

Best 24″ kids’ mountain bikes ages 7 to 10 years

The best mountain bikes for children who love riding off-road bumpy stuff, hitting mountain bike trails and cross-country MTB riding. There’s something for all budgets and types of riding.

Read more about Best 24″ kids’ mountain bikes ages 7 to 10 years
Which is the best bike for a toddler aged 18 months, 2 years old or 3

Best bikes for a 1 year-old

From 12 months there are some exciting options for getting toddlers onto two wheels.

Read more about Best bikes for a 1 year-old