What’s new in family cycling at the London Bike Show 2017?
There were some exciting kids bikes on display at the London Bike Show – you just can’t buy them!

2017 kids mountain bikes showcased at the NEC Cycle Show
Drool over the latest junior mountain bikes to hit the shops soon!

The 2016 Cycle Show was balance bike heaven!
It’s the one you’ve all been waiting for….. our annual round up of balance bikes from the Cycle Show

Meeting and making friends at WACC2016
This week I took the plunge and attended my first ever cycling conference. I decided to attend the Women and Cycling Conference (WACC2016) in Hereford because Cycle Sprog is all about cycling with kids, and at least half of parents are women. If we’re going to get more kids and parents cycling, we need to get…

Cheering British Cycling in the Energiewacht Tour
We unexpectedly caught up with the British Cycling women’s team recently – here’s what happened next

10 things to do with the kids at the 2016 London Bike Show
Here’s the Cycle Sprog top 10 things to do at the London Bike Show