Cycle Sprog launches new Kids Bike Search
Find the perfect bike for your child in just one click!

Best girls bikes – as recommended by girls who ride bikes
Is there such a thing as a best girls bike? And should we even be asking the question as a bike is a bike, and surely it should be good for either a boy or a girl? The problem, however, is that if you’re looking to buy a bike for a girl and don’t know…

My 11 year old daughter wants an old fashioned city bike with basket
The other day I received a message via the Cycle Sprog Facebook page asking for advice on finding a step through traditional city bike for an older child. The message came from Anthea, who wrote: “Just wondering if you could offer any advice. My 11 year old has grown out of her Frog 55 (by…

Family Cycling Review of the Decade
As the decade draws to a close and the 2020s stretch out ahead of us, I thought it would be a good time to reflect back on what’s happened in the wonderful world of family cycling over the past ten years. When 1st January 2010 dawned the world was certainly a very different place –…

How we became a mountain biking family in just one year
In just over a year we’ve gone from casual cyclists to mountain bikers – here’s our journey