
Best 26" hybrid bikes for kids - A young girl mounting a blue 26" hybrid bike in a park

Best 26″ kids’ bikes for kids aged 9+

What happens when your child has grown out of a 24″ wheel kids bike, but isn’t big enough to move up to an adult bike. These junior sized 26″ wheel hybrid will fill that gap.

Read more about Best 26″ kids’ bikes for kids aged 9+
The best kids mountain bikes money can buy

Where to buy a kids bike

If you’re struggling to know where to buy your child a bike from, don’t panic! Here’s our list of the best places to buy a good kids bike.

Read more about Where to buy a kids bike
Rusty old kids bike

4 questions to answer before selling your kid’s old bike

Are you thinking of selling your kid’s old bike? Read this first….

Read more about 4 questions to answer before selling your kid’s old bike
Small Business Saturday - support your local bike store

Why you should support your local bike shop

It’s Local Bike Shop Day 2023!

Read more about Why you should support your local bike shop
Learning to ride on a first bike

Buying a balance bike for your toddler? 10 things you need to know!

Here’s 10 helpful questions to ask yourself when you’re buying a balance bike

Read more about Buying a balance bike for your toddler? 10 things you need to know!
Best bike for a 6 year old girl

The best bikes for a 6 year old girl

From riding to school to hitting the trails at the weekend, we’ve got bikes for all purposes covered!

Read more about The best bikes for a 6 year old girl